
Friday, December 18, 2009

On A Yippy Break :)

I am going on a short break.
Its my dear brother's engagement on 27th Dec. I'll be back by 8th of Jan.
Do Pray for them and Wish them all the luck.
Happy Holidays to all of you.
A Merry Christmas and A Fabulous New Year.
Have a blast of a time my dear friends.
Catch you as soon as I reach back.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

White Blooms From 'Ever Rising'

Marigold  from our garden  back In-Laws place which is called Sarvodayam which means Ever Rising. Its an ideal place to feel nature. They've loads of green around them which is wonderful...I can even hear the chirping as I am writing!


Spider Lily
(Thanks to Nalini Hebbar from Open Mind for making me aware of this fabgurl's name:) )

Can anyone tell me the name of this beauty???
I am oblivious!

Hope you all liked these simple, white blooms:)

Happy Blooming Tuesday!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Cactus Monday #19

A hasty cactus watercolour...

Cactus painted on a truck at display in Dubai Festival City.

 Pictures from Dubai Festival City. A great place to spend some time...
My daughter loves this place. There are some other places too...will showcase it one by one.

Happy Cactus Monday!

More Cactus pics at Teri's...

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Illustration Friday - Hatch

"The key to everything is patience. You get the
chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it."
Arnold H. Glasow

Which one of these do you think is better???
I have used sepia pitt pens.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Nostalgic Blooms From The Past

Yesterday when I was rummaging through a pile of my ol stuff I came across these wonderful flowers I had created some 12 years back. These, my friends, are fabric paiting. I had actually cut this piece of cloth from my dad's uniform cloth...It was indeed my first attempt at painting on fabric. In the first picture you could see that the paint had spread a bit coz I wasn't sure on how much to dip water.

Different styles are shown here.

The first one here is done with a bean cut.  A bean cut into two and dipped in paint and dabbed on cloth.
Haven't painted on fabric for a very long time.  I should be doing that soon:)
More to follow...

Happy Blooming Tuesday!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Missy n Senita

Missy and Senita together posing for a snap to treasure their first meeting. Senita arrived from London on a short visit to meet Missy. That happened two weeks before. Last week she was in Africa. This week she paid a visit to Australia. Senita is on a world tour I believe.
Here's Missy wishing Senita 'Good Luck!'

Happy Cactus Monday!

For more cactus pictures, visit Teri.

ps: Thank you Soul for your support and inspiration!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Smiling Beauty

"A smile happens in a flash, but its memory can last a lifetime"

That being said, it is also true that people are stingy with their smile.
What I would like to say is

"If someone is too tired to give a smile, leave one of your own, because no one needs a smile as much as those who have none to give"

Smiling Beauty was done in 2006. I am so much in love with this picture I made in Illustrator. There are some flaws still it doesn't matter. Maybe coz I love that smile :)

I had come across some pictures of beautiful women and I wanted to try one of those. I chose this one.
Hope you all like it too...

Have a Smiling Day :)

Saturday, December 5, 2009

IF - Crunchy

"To have a crunchy bite of the whitey white, glowing moon
Is my dream..."

This is my entry for Inspire Me Thursday - Label.
Few of my ATCs...

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

IF - Entangled

Its so entangled! Thats IF theme of last friday.
Entangled with Celtic Design that I saw in some art book. This is again a glass painting I did in a small clip glass frame. I've hung it near my dressing table.

Its Bakrid holidays here for ten whole days. So lots to do at home...visiting friends, going out. Missing a little from the blogging scene. Its till coming Saturday. So will visit all my blogger friends and make it up.

Today is 38th U.A.E National Day!
Salute to you, wonderful country!