
Saturday, July 25, 2015

In The Wilderness

There are times when you ponder before creating something and there are times when you don't give a single thought but just go with the flow. This is something done in the latter manner in a matter of a few minutes. The only time that it took was for the masking fluid to dry. There have been times when my intuition has taken me to a whole new level; a different genre and dimension never thought of...but this one seems pretty kiddish and that's what I love about it! Sometimes it's great fun to feel like a child - A child at play! 

Acrylic Inks, 8 1/8 x 11 3/4 inches

In the wilderness
when things seep in
amid thickening greens
vast blue and earthy browns
I love to live my life
in all its fullness!

Linking it to PPF!


  1. Fantastic artwork ! Happy PPF!

  2. So beautiful...I agree the process can take us places we never imagined!!

    Hugs Giggles

  3. I love the peacefulness that this serendipity piece evokes, The muted color scheme and vertical lines work together to create the mood. Happy belated PPF! #11

  4. I love it when you can go with the flow and create something that pleases you. I like your art and your words. Happy PPF!

  5. Beautiful art and profound lines on it. :)

  6. beautiful work of art .. both ways !
    PS. missed your hues n shades dear..thanks to my own irregularities. Trying to get the grip again:)


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