This poem is based on three extremely famous paintings by Masters. Easy guess, I believe...would you like to name those famous paintings and the artists??? :)
I can’t get
the image out of my head!
As I lay
under the blessed night sky
Watching the
multitude of twinkling stars
Beaming on
the soft rippling waters,
(feeling uncertain
to look above or the one below)
Breeze rocking
the docked boats
I lay there
At the
eternal gods
Thanking for
the wonders that
Surround us!
The blue
Whites and
yellows transmuting,
I lay there
for a whole new world
To unravel!
Inspired by
the romance
In the air
The couple partook
in a kiss
Magically the
mantle emerged
With two passionate
golden figures,
Ornate in
their garb
Oblivious to
the world
Immersed in
While that heaven
Seconds may
A shrill
shriek gorged
Amid the
varying warm and dark hues
Red and more
red engulfing
The echoing
beat of the heat!
I lay still…
Trying hard
to manoeuvre
To lay still!
While the
images encircled me
From far
above and deep within!
I can’t get the image out of my head!
This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.
Blogadda has asked for a story that begins with "I can’t get the image out of my head" but this is what came to my just thought of jotting it down...whether it is valid or not am unsure, yet I am linking it! This is the first time I am writing for WOW though. :)