Monday, September 26, 2011

Meet A Kerala Mural Artist

Hello Friends

I have been busy with so many things at a time! I was feeling invisible, coping spirituality & practicality/reality in one go, following the path of Lord Buddha, trying to remember Robin Sharma, trying to be Super-human, but all in vain:) Finally I have rested everything on the shoulders of the Lord to resolve. Somethings are best left untouched else it will muddle the whole thing.

Anyways, here's something that I did during my vacation in India & I enjoyed it thoroughly. Meet an Artist from Palakkad, my home-town.

 A Retd. Deputy Collector & Artist, Saraswathy aunty(as I call her) is an active spirit, very cool, calm and composed and super talented at 65. Soft spoken and humble is what comes to my mind whenever I think of her. My vacation was worthwhile as I spent some quality time with her - a week - which will remain memorable! Thanks to Anilettan, a multi-talented artist, who introduced me to her. Thanks a ton, Bro'!
Both of them are truly inspirational...

These are only a few murals from her whole lot of collections...

Ananthashyanam -  This is really huge!


Krishna & Kuchela

I will display my work in the next post. Underneath is the picture of 'Unmeelanam' or 'Opening the Eyes'. According to the mural tradition, it is the guru who does the eye in the very first creation of the student. It was a Friday, the lamp was lit and the Unmeelanam was done. I chose Goddess Saraswathy as she is considered the Goddess of Learning, since I was learning a new art, I thought that would go well with my artwork. I must say, It has been lucky for me.

My guru is opening the eyes of my artwork - Goddess Saraswathy
Until my next post...
it's me signing off.


Saru Singhal said...

She is creating magic, truly amazing...


ArtistUnplugged said...

First, blessings to you. What amazing art she does, so complex and detailed....blown away. Thanks for sharing, good to hear from you again.

My Inspired Reality said...

Oh what a fabulous, fabulous artist Deepa. I love meeting other artists too and can just imagine how great it was for you:):)

Julie said...

Love her colorful dress and beautiful face! How wonderful you had a whole week with her to play with art!!!

magiceye said...

amazing indeed!

Shuchi said...

Wow.. its all so beautiful..really magical!!
Thanks for sharing :)

Arti said...

Welcome back, Deepa! The artworks are indeed very fascinating and pretty!

GlorV1 said...

Hi Deepaz. Good to see you and thx for stopping by my blog. I haven't been around lately either, just having a busy time and also gathering my thoughts. Sarah's pieces are just awesome. Great work, please let her know that I love the color. Excellent. I'm also looking forward to seeing some of your pieces. I hope all has gotten better for you. Take a deep breath and say a prayer.:) Take care.

Purba said...

Love her colours and detailing. And it's great that you are showcasing such great artists on your blog.

Anonymous said...

beautiful. esp loved the radha krishna. kudos to u for bringing her out to the world

Seema Kozhithody said...

Hey Deepu!! It is indeed a great delight in seeing the wonderful mural painting on your blog, something which I adore quite a lot..You've done a beautiful work of Goddess Saraswathi, who's "vidyadevi"! Really good that you chose Goddess Saraswathi for your first post..Very apt for Navarathri...Keep posting more mural paintings, dear! And your Guru's works are fabulous.. Amazing paintings! So intricate creations! She is really a person with great talent, as you said..Also, she just does not look 65 at all. :) Thanks dear, it was a feast for the eyes!

Deepa Gopal said...

@ Saru, Thanks dear:)

@ Teresa, Thanks for the wishes and yes, indeed it's a complex art but that which we would love to see the results after each stage. You could feel immense joy as one you see it evolve:)

@ Kala and Julie, Yes, I don't often get such a chance and when I got one, I grabbed it:) Would love meeting such inspiring artists more often. It'll keep us charged:)

@Deepak and Shuchi, Thanks a lot!

@Arti, thanks for the welcome:)

@Gloria, Thanks dear for the does help one:) Btw, it's Saraswathy and not Sarah... I would surely let her all ur thoughts. I am engaged in creaing my own pieces now.

@Thanks Purba dear... as I mentioned I am longing many more of such opportunities:)

@Confusedyuppie, Thanks a lot for ur kind words:)

@Seemz,she doesn't look 65 right! That was exactly my thought when she said that. And yes, I couldn't think of any other except for our very own 'vidyadevi'...I did slightly think of Krishna as you know I have a soft corner for Him but then I thought new art, new study so let it be the 'Seat of Learning' herself:)

Anonymous said...

she is a talented artist..her works are truly gr8

Dr Sonia S V said...

Wow you are lucky and such interesting tradition that the guru makes the eye first!

Cheers from Bangalore ,India
Dr Sonia S V

M R Anand said...

very impressive, fresh and inspiring blog.. happened to stumble on Ramesh jhawar's blog!

Deepa Gopal said...

@ True Nisha...she's a good collection of murals.

@Dr.Sonia, yes, pretty interesting traditiona & I was pretty excited about it:)Love it as guru becomes part of ur project literally for the rest of the life.

@Anand, Thank you very much and Welcome to my little space. Looking forward to more of your inspiring comments:)
Ramesh Jhawar is an Extremely talented artist. Thanks to his blog for stumbling upon other wonderful artists like yourself. Your watercolours are brilliant as well depicting Blore life.

Rajedra Raikwar said...

nice very nice

Whats Ur Home Story said...

You are so lucky!!! I am totally jealous. would love to learn it some day. By the way great saraswathi and krishna.