'Marbles In Water' was done sometime...3 yrs...back, when I was studying Graphics. It was done in illustrator. I worked hard on it..tried out some stuff and explored some 'secret tools'
and was extremely happy with the result though there are few flaws.
I loved it Deepa,
See the color of marbles..its so good u see..
I am sure, there are much better works u can execute,after this first attempt now :)
Keep blogging
Oh, I really like the marbles and water...good job!!!! Sorry, I've not been visiting much this week so I am just now seeing your Cactus Monday, it's beautiful!!!
Thanks Mahesh and thanks AU!!
Amazing work, Deepa.
I am a fan.
Great work, what medium? as always! your work is awesome!
Thanks harshita. I am honored!
I've made use of Illustrator. Thanks again for your kind words.
First attempt? Seriously? Be proud then, lady!
I am currently living with 2 graphic designers. You'd love to meet them, am sure. Feels great to live in company of artists. :D
PS: Just came back from home over Diwali. Already missing home food.
Great! I've never attempted glass nor metal... maybe I should... sometime...
Its not first attempt ani. I had tried some simpler things first! And am sure I would love to meet all the GD's. Belated Diwali wishes to you:)
Welcome Evelyn...nice to see you here. Yes, its fun to try something new and create something different.
It's wonderful... amazing what you can do with that program!
Thanks Peter. And you are right there, its a really wonderful program.
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