Monday, April 26, 2021

Day 22- V (A to Z Challenge) and Day 26 (Napowrimo)

Day 22 AtoZ Challenge

Art and affirmative alliteration for Day 22. All my art works of AtoZ challenge have been done in acrylic inks and coffee wash.
The intention is to reach out to young girls in specific and everyone in general who need to hear some positive and empowering affirmations each day. Just a humble alliterative effort. I wish we could all inspire each other everyday, place a helping hand, a shoulder to rest for a while, embrace to overcome the each other's pain, ease with laughter and a extend a bit of company to one another. In short, empower one another.


Day 26 Napowrimo


Do let me know your views. You can click on the AtoZChallenge/ Napowrimo tags to look at my earlier posts.

PS : This post is posted as part of BlogchatterA2Z 2021 challenge.
Poem posted as part of the 30 day poetry challenge for the month of April NaPoWriMo2021

ps: do check out my works on Instagram.

Today's image of A to Z is one I was inspired from a picture I had collected from Pinterest sometime back, do not remember the artist. It was sculptural-kind of a painting.

1 comment:

Ira Mishra said...

"immersing all things in a blind haze"

"no words are spoken yet I hear some dreams"

Wow... What lovely lines